Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Cravings and Solace

I walked to work the other day with a constant narration of my own actions running through my head.

I was commenting on everything I was doing, everything I was feeling, and occasionally throwing in a humorous one liner, you know, for the audience.
In my head, my voice was calm, confident, reassuring and somehow thick, like it had grown more complex and gained more depth within its own inflections and intentions.
I amused myself for an hour with this, imagining the acolades of a film that FINALLY took place in proper real time, and reflected the truthfully boring nature of a regular person's regular morning.
I'm buggered if I know where that all came from.

I'll catch myself talking to myself... And tell myself off for it.

So this is my newest of many blogs. I can't promise regular updates, or any kind of consistency. I can just say that this will be words, and they will be mine, and I will try my utmost to be truthful and honest. Which will likely result in you, the reader, disliking me greatly. 
Mostly because I'm not a nice person, really.

But at least you won't be able to fault my honesty.

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